Throughout the year, we have Japanese nationals trying to match with a host family in the United States. Starting from maybe April to June is the busiest season for matching with host families. So, this is the month, many communications between au pairs and host families are taking place.
Today, let me introduce one of my Japanese au pairs who are currently available to match.
Rina is 26 years old female au pair from Tokyo. She has over 1000 hours of childcare experience including taking care of infants.
She is very active and as a fact, she used to live in Canada for almost 1 year upon completing high school and studied English. Because she experienced study abroad when she was younger, she is very independent and mature. Rina also has professional experiences upon returning back to Japan.
What makes Rina unique is that Rina has studied nutrition and obtained a certificate for food and life adviser. Not only she likes cooking, but she also can think about what is healthy for your children.
My staff met with her in Tokyo in March, 2016. According to my staff, Rina is cheerful, kind and active. We hope Rina will find a great host family soon.
If you are interested in reviewing Rina’s profile, please contact us. You may also access to InterExchange Au Pair USA’s web site and sign-up as a host family.
You don’t need to pay anything until you are officially matched with a host family. So, please sign-up and explore Japanese au pairs.