Learning a cultural difference from holiday gifts

Kids are going to winter break soon.  Parents are busy preparing for holiday gifts to teachers.  I am trying to give something Japanese to teachers so that they can remember my daughter (smile).

In Japan, giving gifts to teachers are NO. Absolutely, no.  Because teachers are considered as public servants.  We can write a letter, but that’s all about it.

Here, we generally give gift cards, some small items, but giving something means showing our appreciation to teachers.

Japanese au pairs currently in the U.S. must be learning a lot during this holiday season.  Please share your thoughts with your au pairs.


Author: Akiko Imairi

Hello! This is Akiko Imairi and I am the founder of Au Pair Japanese Connection, supporting Japanese nationals to become au pairs in the USA. I have been living in the US for over 15 years and working as an educational consultant for international students for long time.

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